

Instant Loan without CIBIL

If you are new to credit and have zero credit history, the chances of having zero CIBIL score are high for you. Don’t worry, you can still get an instant personal loan without CIBIL. You can look out for online personal loan providers who do not require any credit score. You can also apply with a co-applicant or avail of a secured personal loan without CIBIL.


Personal Loan for Low CIBIL Score

There are many options of instant loan without credit score or low CIBIL score. The most preferred ones are mentioned below:

  • Banks and NBFCs: Many banks and Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) provide personal loans with low CIBIL or even a loan without CIBIL. However, Personal Loan Interest Rates charged from people with low or nil CIBIL score will be higher than that from people with high credit score. That is because an NBFC loan without CIBIL involves a risk of loan payment default for lenders.
  • Online lending options: If you are looking for a personal loan without CIBIL and income proof, you can search online. Nowadays there are many online platforms that offer personal loan without CIBIL check as they have their own credit check tools and policies.
  • Secured loans: Another suitable option of loan without CIBIL score is applying for a secured loan. These are asset-backed loans and are offered against securities, deposits, property, gold, and other assets having monetary value. Many secured loan providers even offer personal loan without income proof.
  • Provide income proof: Some lenders may offer short term loan without CIBIL Score if you earn good monthly income and provide proof of the same. You can also show the proof of any additional income, such as bonus, increment, savings interest, etc., if available.
  • Add a co-applicant: If you are unable to find any loan app without credit score, you can apply for a loan through bank/NBFC by adding a co-applicant to your personal loan application.

How to Get a Loan with a Low/Without CIBIL Score?

Applying for an instant loan without CIBIL and salary slip is a challenging task as most lenders don’t offer loan without cibil check. However, you can still get a loan through the following ways:

  • Apply with NBFC: Unlike banks, NBFCs generally have lenient policies for loan applicants with low CIBIL score. You will find plenty of NBFC personal loan for low CIBIL score options online. 
  • Provide income proof: If you show the evidence of your monthly income, lenders may offer you a personal loan without credit score or with low CIBIL score.
  • Apply with a co-applicant: You can add a co-applicant with good income and credit score when applying for an instant loan without credit check in India.
  • Apply for a low amount: Applying for a low loan amount can get you approval even with a low CIBIL score.
  • Apply with a lender having tie-up with your employer: You can consider applying for a low CIBIL score personal loan without salary slip through the banks which have tie-up with your employer. These banks may also offer loan without income proof as they have your income details.
  • Improve your credit score: If you are not in a hurry, you can build and improve your credit score before applying for the loan. A high credit score can get you instant loan approval.
  • Apply for secured loans: If you have any asset like property, gold, insurance policies, securities, deposits, etc., you can apply for a secured personal loan. Nowadays secured loans in the form of without income proof loan available online.
  • Apply through online platforms: You can also search for without credit score loan app online to get a loan with low or nil credit score.

Instant Loan App Without CIBIL

Most banks and NBFCs offer personal loans with 750 or above credit score. However, if you have a low or zero CIBIL score, but still want a loan, instant loan apps can be your friend in need. There are some amazing zero CIBIL score loan apps in India. 

Following are some instant loan apps that offer loans with poor or zero CIBIL score:

Loan App NameRate of InterestLoan Amount
Faircent12% to 28% p.a. Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 10 Lakhs 
PaySense1.4% to 2.3% per month Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 5 Lakhs 
InCred16% to 36% p.a.Up to Rs. 3 Lakhs
KreditBee 1.02% p.m. onwardsRs. 1,000 to Rs. 4 Lakhs
IIFL Finance12.75% to 33.75%Rs. 5,000 up to Rs. 5 Lakhs
CASHe2.50% per month onwardsRs. 1,000 to Rs. 4,00,000
Fibe (EarlySalary)Rs. 9 per day onwardsRs. 5,000 to Rs. 5 Lakhs 
L&T Finance13% p.a. onwardsRs. 50,000 to Rs. 7,00,000 
MoneyView1.33% per month onwardsRs. 5,000 to Rs. 5 Lakhs 
MoneyTap1.08% per month onwardsRs. 3,000 to Rs. 5 Lakhs 
Loanbaba0.1% per day onwardsRs. 5,000 to Rs. 2 Lakhs
Prefr18% to 36% p.a.Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 3,00,000 

What Factors Lower CIBIL Score?

The reason behind having a lower CIBIL score can be any of the following:

  • Having multiple unsecured loans.
  • Any delay or default in your loan payment history.
  • Having a high credit utilization ratio, i.e. over 30% of the available credit limit.
  • Rejections of loan application multiple times in a short period of time. 
  • Making a settlement of debt with the bank and closing the loan account by making less payment than required.
  • An un-diverse mix of credit.
  • Multiple hard credit inquiries.

How to Improve Your CIBIL Score?

When you are applying for a loan, you can check your TransUnion CIBIL Score, Experian Credit Score, Equifax Credit Score, and CRIF credit score. Following are some tips to improve your CIBIL score: 

  • Pay your loan EMIs and credit card bills on time and in full.
  • Always keep your credit utilization ratio low, preferably below 30% of the available credit limit.
  • Don’t make too many hard inquiries.
  • Do not close your unsecured credit cards as it can increase your utilization ratio.
  • Report any inaccuracy or incomplete details in your CIBIL report with CIBIL.

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Instant loan without CIBIL Score FAQs

Can I get an instant loan without CIBIL?


Yes, you can get an instant loan without CIBIL by opting for secured loans against gold, self-owned property, securities, and so on. You can also opt for online personal loan providers or apply with a co-applicant.

What is a bad CIBIL score?


CIBIL score range between 300 to 900. A score between 300 and 549 is considered to be a bad CIBIL score.

What is a low or no CIBIL score?


A score below 650 is considered to be a low CIBIL score and signifies a poor repayment behaviour of past credit, whereas no CIBIL score means the person has poor credit history or is new to credit.

Can we take a loan against security?


Yes, you can take a loan against security if you have security in the form of bank deposits, insurance policies, mutual funds, bonds, and so on. Loans against securities are usually offered as an overdraft facility in your account after depositing your securities. 

Can you get a personal loan with 0 or -1 CIBIL Score?


While most lenders require a CIBIL score of 750 or above to accept a personal loan request, a few lenders may also offer a loan with lower score. However, the ones that lend to such borrowers, will charge a significantly high interest rate and will have other stringent terms and conditions. Individuals with 0 or -1 CIBIL score can still get a personal loan if they have a salary or savings account with the lending bank or are working in a reputed firm. Such individuals can also consider applying for a secured personal loan.

Can A Fixed Deposit Improve My CIBIL Score?


Absolutely! Leveraging your Fixed Deposit (FD) to get a small loan and paying it back diligently is a clever strategy to boost your CIBIL score. It's like a financial juggling act - you use the FD as collateral for the loan, demonstrating trust to the lender. Then, by making timely repayments, you show your responsibility, and each successful payment becomes a star in your credit report. Like a skilled tightrope walker, you maintain balance, earning the trust of lenders and gradually elevating your creditworthiness.