

LIC Housing Finance Auto Opts in Moratorium 1 Customers for Phase 2 EMI Relief

Updated on: 24 Jan 2024 // 3 min read // #mmm news
Author :(523 posts)

Passing on RBI’s COVID 19 Moratorium relief to its customers for a total of six months, LIC Housing Finance Limited has extended EMI deferment for payments falling due till August 31, 2020. All the customers of Moratorium 1.0 are offered automatic opt-in for the moratorium 2.0.

However if you did not use the previous Moratorium but want to opt for repayment relief in the months of June, July and August 2020, you can request the same by clicking the link:


The Moratorium form will ask for loan account number. It is a one step process.

Alternatively, the borrowers can also send an email to company officials and make the moratorium request. The email ids for LIC representatives all across India can be found at: http://lichousing.com/area_offices.php

The subject matter of the mail should be “Consent for Moratorium – my loan account no. <loanno>”

As for Corporate Loans, only duly authorized representative will accept the request.

Also Read: COVID 19 Personal Loan in India


✅ Who all are eligible for COVID 19 moratorium relief from LIC Housing?

All retail as well as corporate LIC HFL customers are eligible for COVID 19 Moratorium relief.

✅ What is the tenure of Moratorium?

The LIC Housing Finance is offering a total six months of Moratorium relief, i.e. for payments falling due between March 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020.

✅ Do I need to apply again for Moratorium 2, if I had used March-May EMI relief?

No. All customers who used Moratorium 1 offer will be covered under moratorium 2 automatically.

✅ What happens if I miss my EMI and did not even apply for Moratorium?

Any non payment by eligible customers will be considered as Moratorium, whether they have formally applied or not.

✅ How do I apply for Moratorium at LIC HFL?

You can either apply through official website or send an email to LIC Housing Finance official. The form for application can be filled directly at: https://www.lichousing.com/emi_relief.php

You can access the email id of officials at: http://lichousing.com/area_offices.php

The subject of the mail should be “Consent for Moratorium – my loan account no. <XXXX>”

As for Corporate loans, authorized by representatives can accept consent.

✅ How will interest be accrued during moratorium period?

Moratorium is not a waiver of EMI. It is deferment of payment for a period of time. The interest will continue to accrue on the balance loan amount at contracted rate during the Moratorium. The next due date for EMI will be as per schedule in September’ 20. The tenor of the loan will be extended accordingly.

✅ Will I be automatically approved for my all loans with one request?

No. You are required to make individual Moratorium request for each account.

✅ Is there any kind of fee or charge for missing instalments during moratorium?

No late payment charges will be levied during EMIs falling due between March 1 to August 31. LIC Housing has extended the Moratorium relief, strictly as per RBI guidelines.

✅ What will be impact on my Credit Score?

There will be no impact on Credit Score due to Moratorium availed on your loan accounts for six months ranging between March to August 2020.

✅ Can I exit from Covid 19 moratorium?

Yes you can opt out of Moratorium relief package and clear all previous and current instalments.