Paying your credit card bills and loan Equated Monthly Instalments (EMIs) on time impact your credit score positively. However, if you forget to make timely payments, defaults will be mentioned in your credit report.
Your Credit Information Bureau India Limited (CIBIL) score will start falling if you default on your dues and lenders may reject your loan or credit card application.
A default on debt happens when you fail to repay the funds according to the initial agreement with the lender. With most consumer loans, this happens when you miss multiple payments for several weeks or months in a row.
So, what happens if you have defaulted on your past repayments and now want a new loan?
Here, we have explained how a CIBIL defaulter can get an urgent loan and what are other options available to them.
Firstly, it is important to understand that there is no technical term called CIBIL Defaulter. This term is wrongly used for individuals who have poor credit scores due to their past EMI or credit card bill defaults.
As credit score is one of the first filters that lenders use for evaluating personal loan applicants, individuals with low credit scores due to their past payment defaults have poor chances of availing of personal loans.
If you are stuck in such a situation, worry not! The tips mentioned below might be helpful if you are seeking an urgent personal loan with a poor credit score.
Nowadays some Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) and digital fintech lenders offer personal loans to applicants with poor credit scores. However, these loans are often offered at higher interest rates to compensate for the higher credit risk associated with such applicants.
Individuals having unreliable credit scores should widen their search for availing loans and the best way to do so is by visiting online financial markets like MyMoneyMantra. We offer personal loan options from a wide range of lenders, including digital enders, based on the applicant’s credit score, income and other eligibility criteria.
A good employment record and a high-income profile can reduce the impact of a poor credit score on loan. Apart from the CIBIL score, lenders also consider other factors, such as the applicant’s repayment capacity, job stability, employer’s profile, etc. while evaluating their personal loan applications.
Thus, applicants working with government, public sector undertakings (PSUs), multinational companies (MNCs) and top-rated private sector firms are usually preferred by the lenders due to their income certainty and job stability.
There are other options for CIBIL defaulters to get an instant loan as mentioned below:
The secured loan options for low-score applicants are mentioned below:
Does CIBIL reset credit record after 7 years?
CIBIL gathers and syncs all information to make a uniform Credit Information Report having an individual's details of credit and defaults. This record stays with them for at least 7 years from the date of the first late report. CIBIL cannot delete or modify your credit records.
What are the urgent loan options for CIBIL defaulters in India?
The options of an urgent loan for CIBIL defaulters include secured loans and loans from online lenders or NBFCs.
What to do to get an extreme urgent loan for CIBIL defaulters?
To get extreme urgent loan for CIBIL defaulters, you can consider taking a loan from NBFCs or online lenders. You can also opt for secured loans. These are the best loan for CIBIL defaulters.
Which bank provides personal loans for CIBIL defaulters?
Usually, traditional banks do not offer personal loans to loan defaulters in India due to higher credit risk. However, to get an instant loan for CIBIL defaulters, you can opt for secured loans from banks.