If you happen to be an ardent shopper, you understand the dilemma you face day in and day out. Every time you pick items of daily needs from your nearest supermarket, you have to rush to the ATM for cash, and every time you purchase clothes and accessories online, you need to keep checking the remaining balance in your account. Then, there is always a fear of missing out on the best deals! Thankfully, not anymore. With some of the best Credit Cards on offer, you can now bid farewell to all the confusion and shop in a genuinely hassle-free manner! Here’s how:
As a way of encouraging you to use Credit Cards as much as possible, card issuers offer numerous cashback plans and discounts. The best Credit Card offers are not just confined to regular shopping, but also to lifestyle expenses such as traveling, fine dining and the purchase of luxury goods. Moreover, Credit Cards also have tie-ups with various brands and offer additional cashback and discounts when a customer purchases the advertised products or services.
Want an example? Well, how about a 5% discount on the purchase of fuel at any Indian Oil outlet or earning 10X Reward Points on spending at partner apparel and department stores using the Citibank Rewards Credit Card? All you need to do is pay your monthly balance in full, always, and you can enjoy all these benefits, without spending a single penny. Considering these schemes, you can quickly conclude that using a Credit Card can help you get some astounding deals!
For what they’re worth, almost every Credit Card can be used in all the leading economies of the world. This will make it exceptionally convenient for you to swipe your card wherever you choose to shop. And that’s not all. Since, you are swiping the card, or offering the card details online; you don’t even need to go through the hassle of getting your cash exchanged for local currency. Now, if that doesn’t sound like true effortlessness, we don’t know what will!
Right from retail shops to hotels, from car rental services to flight bookings, you can pay anywhere and everywhere using your Credit Card. Of course, there may be instances when you will be charged a transaction fee, but the convenience that comes along with the same is entirely worth the price.
Credit Cards help you earn reward points on every purchase you make. However, reward points usually expire beyond a specific date. It is therefore recommended that you redeem the reward points well within time. You can also choose to get in touch with the customer care centre of your card issuer to seek help for redeeming the points. Moreover, if your company has rolled out an offer that you like, you can always place a request for the offer to be applied to your card, and enjoy its benefits.
With a card at your disposal, you will never need to look for an ATM to withdraw cash. You can always use your card to make payments, and then conveniently pay your bill at the end of the billing cycle, and enjoy this added benefit with no strings attached.
Having a Credit Card can work towards your benefit in more than one ways. All you need to do is schedule your monthly payments such as that of your phone bill, your electricity bill or your rent via your card, on a fixed date. This will ensure that your statements are settled without any additional efforts and that too well within time. Trust us, we don’t know of a better way to avoid the late fee and other penalties!
Schedule your maximum spending from the card close to the date right after your statement gets generated. This will allow you over 45 days to pay your bill, without any interest. For instance, if your statement gets generated on the 15th of every month, and your due date is the 30th of the upcoming month, then make sure you use your card for more significant purchases from 16th to 19th so that you have 42-45 interest-free days. Now that’s a hack every shopper ought to love.
We hope that you now have a fair idea of how a Credit Card can help ease your life, and let you shop in a manner that is genuinely guilt-free! So, what are you waiting for? If you don’t have a Credit Card already, then just visit MyMoneyMantra and Find the Right Credit Card for Yourself, and you will be flooded with some fantastic options that complement your shopping behaviour!