

Good Habits to Learn and Follow This Financial Year

Updated on: 24 Apr 2024 // 4 min read // Credit Cards
Author :(538 posts)

Impulsive shopping and unplanned Online Credit Card purchases are some of the major causes of monthly debt pile up. Unmindful spending and expenses can result in startling cash crunch for essential purchases such as health insurance, skill enhancement and more.

So, it is important to adopt some good habits to keep a regular check on ever raving card dues. You must make a firm move against any of the habits that act as a hindrance to your financial progress.

Some Good Habits to Adopt this year:

1. Never Shop under Peer Pressure.

As a rule of thumb you must stay away from splurging on products that hurt your monthly budget. Shopping should always be an effortless experience for you. For example: In all likelihood, if your friends are buying new phones, expensive pair of shoes and watches, you are bound to feel a rush to purchase some or all of these articles. However, the decision to buy personal articles should be personal. You should never buy to show off, when budget is a constraint, or it will only hurt your finances further.

2. Stay away from Impulsive Online Splurge.

While online shopping is mostly used by smart shoppers, who buy to save and rave their fashion sense, there is also a major category of buyers who go online only for convenience because of busy schedule. In most cases, these buyers are too busy to make exchange of products that fail to meet their expectations. Instead of making exchange a priority, they tend to procrastinate and unwanted online purchases keep on lying at their place unused. This is nothing but a waste of the money that you should always avoid.

3. Check your Subscriptions Regularly.

Other common expenses that remain unmapped are old subscriptions that are no longer in use. Many of us continue paying for online subscriptions, as they are auto debited from the cards. It is thus imperative to take time out to review your subscriptions once a year. This can invariably reduce monthly unwarranted expenses.

4. Budget your vacation expenses.

We all work very hard and most of the times need to take vacations to recharge our batteries. However, there are many who get carried away and frequently plan luxurious vacations without setting any budget. A better way is to plan vacations with a predefined budget.

5. Clear and pay off as many debts as possible.

Paying off your debts including credit card debts are one of the goals that you need to definitely meet. Prioritize paying out your debts. By eliminating your credit card bills you can better work to eliminate all of your debts. Clearing debts on time is one of the effective ways to ease off stress from life.

6. Make a journal of your expenses.

There are a number of simple ways to spend less without changing any part of your lifestyle. To start with, make a journal of your inflows and outflows. Trying listing your upcoming expenses and restrict purchases strictly according to the checklist. This will help you control ad hoc expenses.

You can also install a free app into your smartphone to monitor and curb the unnecessary expenses.

7. Plan the dine-outs.

To save more every month you do not need to restrict your lifestyle habits. However, idea is to keep a check on your habits. Whether you love to dine out with family or spend evenings with friends, you must budget your evenings. Go out and have fun, but do not overdo your card.

Each individual has a unique personality and a different mindset. There are individuals that are able to overcome these hindrances and turn their life around. There are still others that need to go through the hustle of life. It’s difficult to change our habits unless we set the goals. Try not making any drastic changes. Go step by step and vouch for gradual changes.

Some more handy tips to achieve your Financial goals:

Keep your monthly Credit Card spending low. Do not roll over the card balance as it will build up high interest rate which can be avoided by planning the timely payouts.

It is always recommended to save some cash every week. This helps you build a casual fund for personal expenses.

Always balance your expenses as per your income. If you have too many expenses in a month, you can shift some expenses to the next month.

Try to keep your credit limit up to 30 % of the approved.

In case you avail salary hike or have an appraisal, consider prepaying your loans and improve your overall credit health.

In all, improving your financial habits will ensure that you are progressing in the direction of your financial goals.

Also Read: 10 Best Rewards & Cashback Credit Cards in India

Credit Card